Terms related to data anonymization

In the digital age, where information exchange occurs on a global scale, protecting personal data has become a critical challenge for both businesses and public institutions. As a result, terms like anonymization, pseudonymization, and other data protection techniques are gaining significance.

Patryk Gabryś
Bluur® Team

Table of contents

In this article:

Importance of knowledge fundamentals

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the fundamental terms and techniques related to data protection. The following table presents key concepts that will help in understanding various approaches to safeguarding data against unauthorized access and preventing the identification of individuals. By familiarizing yourself with these concepts, you will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of data privacy and apply the appropriate techniques in your work.

Anonymization terms

AnonymizationTransforming personal data to prevent identification of individuals.
PseudonymizationReplacing personal data with pseudonyms to hinder identification.
Data AggregationCombining data to avoid identifying individuals.
Data TruncationRemoving parts of data that may lead to identification.
CryptographySecuring data through encryption.
Data Minimization PrincipleA principle that involves collecting only the personal data necessary to achieve a specific purpose, to minimize the risk of identification.
RedactionThe process of removing or obscuring portions of data, text, or documents to protect sensitive or personal information from being disclosed.
Data SynthesisThe generation of artificial data based on patterns from real data, which retains the statistical properties of the original but does not relate to real individuals.
Identifiable DataData that can directly identify an individual.
Potentially Identifiable DataData that could lead to identification when combined with other information.
Data DeletionCompletely removing data so it cannot be recovered.
Quasi-AnonymizationRemoving direct identifiers, but data can be reconstituted with additional information.
Data QuantizationTransforming data into categories to reduce precision and identification risk.

Patryk Gabryś
Bluur® Team


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